About Us
The Eastern Massachusetts & Rhode Island (EMARI) Region is one of 15 regions that make up the Eastern Division of the National Ski Patrol. The EMARI Region itself is made up of the following patrols. These patrols fall under the Region Director.
EMARI Region Patrols
E008 - Bradford: Dennis Gauvin, Patrol Director (visit them online)
E029 - Blue Hills: Nick Rasher, Patrol Director (visit them online)
E206 - Mt Wachusett: Jon Longley, Patrol Director (visit them online)
E211 - Nashoba Valley: Betsey Reeves, Patrol Director (visit them online)
E354 - Ski Ward: Tom Flynn, Patrol Director (visit them online)
E384 - Yawgoo Valley: William Krieger, Patrol Director (visit them online)
E078 - EMARI Nordic: Bob Bentley, Patrol Director
EMARI Region Directors
Region Director
Simon Thomas
119 Vernon St
Norwood, MA 02062
PH: 781-608-4834
Alternate Region Director
Assistant Region Director
Assistant Region Director
EMARI Region Staff
Amanda Vitols
Bradford Patrol Director
Communications Advisor
Dennis Gauvin
95 Leonard Ave
Bradford, MA 01835
PH: 978-372-1222
Nashoba Valley Patrol Director
Betsey Reeves
Powers Rd.
Westford, MA 01886
PH: 978-692-3033 x127
Yawgoo Valley Patrol Director
William Krieger
160 Yawgoo Valley Rd
Exeter, RI 02822
PH: 401-451-8819
Blue Hills Patrol Director
Nick Rasher
Wachusett Mountain Patrol Director
Jon Longley
499 Mountain Rd
Princeton, MA 01541
PH: 978-464-3111
Ski Ward Patrol Director
Tom Flynn
1000 Main St
Shrewsbury, MA 01545
PH: 508-842-6346
Certified Program Advisor
Scott Crofts
6 Claypit Rd
Medfield, MA 02052
PH: 508-359-1500
Senior OEC Coordinator
Erik Hoberg
Region Medical Advisor
Kevin Kent, MD
Senior OET Advisor
Nick Rasher
Mountain Travel & Rescue,
Avalanche Advisor
John Caron
PH: 978-534-5937
Administrator / EMARI Newsletter Editor
Ingrid Shuttleworth
1672 Mass Ave, #42
Cambridge, MA 02138
PH: 617-576-2542
Region OEC Advisor
Jason Tamulen
Nordic Advisor
Robert Bentley
60 Wenham Road
Carver, MA 02330
PH: 508-866-3057
Alumni Advisor
Tina Jarvis
Legal Advisor
Daniel Skrip
90 Canal St
Boston, MA 02114
PH: 617-794-6173
YAP Advisor
Robert Gardner
Website Administrator
Chris DeGrace