National Ski Patrol (NSP)

The National Ski Patrol (NSP) is a Federally Chartered nonprofit membership association dedicated to serving the public and the mountain recreation industry by providing education services about emergency care and safety.

For more than 55 years, the NSP has been at the forefront of safety and emergency care education programs. The association's 28,500 members represent 98 percent of the nation's patrollers, whether or not they are paid by or volunteer for their home area. These members, through NSP's award-winning Outdoor Emergency Care program, are the principal delivery system of emergency care training for ski area patrollers. NSP also develops training for non-medical roles, including toboggan handling, avalanche rescue, mountain host programs, and more.

Types of NSP Memberships


NSP also reaches members through nationally funded education materials and programs, division newsletters, and local clinics. Through its divisions, NSP conducts training events to supplement training provided by the ski areas. This cooperative effort ensures that members are serving the needs of area management while staying in tune with a nationally standardized system. The national office is located in Lakewood, Colorado, and is staffed with full-time employees to handle administrative duties.

The following is the mission statement of the National Ski Patrol

We are a member-driven association. Our members support and participate in the ski and outdoor recreation community by providing emergency care, rescue, and education services. Our association supports us by surpassing member expectations through: