Young Adult Patrol
The Young Adult Patrol offers an opportunity for young adults, known as YAPs, to become a member of the National Ski Patrol. Whether you ski or ride this program offers training in high-level first aid and ski and toboggan skills.
Requirements to join Young Adult Patrol
You must be 15 years of age by November of year you enroll
Commit to enrolling in an 8-week Outdoor Emergency Care Course
Pass a ski or boarding test
Committed to weekly training
Maintain good academic grades
Pay yearly dues to the National Ski Patrol and purchase a red National Ski Patrol Jacket and pack
All students are required to ski with an adult patroller when wearing the National Ski Patrol Jacket until they become an adult patroller
All candidates must be willing to approach the general public in an "Excuse Me please" manner
Training Focus
Patrollers are taught to Assess, Alert, Treat, and Transport injured patrons in a safe and efficient manner. As a student patroller expect, the following:
Student Patroller spends most of their time outdoors in the snow, therefore wearing layers and water-resistant clothing is a must
All students must participate in role-playing with regards to acting in scenarios that create mock injuries
Besides taking the 8-week OEC course, CPR certification is necessary
Making ice packs, cutting cravats, controlling lift lines, picking up bamboo and litter are a few of the extracurricular activities expected of all student patrollers
For more information about the YAP program email